Hannah's 2nd wish is to live in a house that's equpped
with the tools necessary for her to be as independent as possible. To be able to do for herself and not have
to wait to be lifted and/or moved.
Hannah is strong-minded and desires to do as much as she can on her own.
With Hannah being unable to walk (scoots on floor at home
or uses a wheelchair when fracture-free) and reach the normal height of items (she's very short in stature) it makes
it very difficult for her to complete a task independent of assistance from someone. An accessible home would allow
greater independence. Her growth would not be stunted by housing needs. Her "quality of life" would greatly improve as she would be able to be more independent
and be afforded the space needed for her to manuever her wheelchair in a safer manner. The need is
great but we know OUR GOD is bigger and will supply.
Thank you Lana T., Dr. Shapiro,
and Crystal L. for nominating us for
Extreme MakeOver Home
We were nominated back in 2005/2006. Unfortunately, no call to us directly from the show though an
inquiry to nominator was received for "more info". We are happy to learn (and have watched)
that EMHE did spotlight 2 families with a child (both boys) who have osteogenesis imperfecta. Shout out to little Jake!
Hannah and him actually met at an OI conference in a swimming pool, of all places. [Aquatic Therapy is a key exercise
that helps to build muscle strength and endurance in those who have OI ] What a great demonstration of love and compassion
this show reveals. Tears of JOY each time. GOD bless everyone behind Extreme MakeOver Home Edition.
We love yall.